He tenido el honor de ser una de los seleccionados para recibir un Diploma a la Excelencia 2017 de la mano del Grupo Pro Arte y Cultura dirigido por Mayte Spinola y fundadora del mismo. El evento tuvo lugar el día 11 de Enero del 2018
Como es conocido este Grupo nació con la intención de favorecer las artes y en 2015 recibió el premio
Iberoamericano de #Mecenazgo.
Iberoamericano de #Mecenazgo.
Grupo pro Arte y Cultura pertenecen
unos trescientos #artistas de diferentes países, entre otros, pintores, escultores,
fotógrafos, escritores, historiadores, #galeristas o músicos.
jurado estuvo compuesto por Nati Cañada, José Luis Romeral, Linda de
Sousa, Pablo Reviriego, Rosa Gallego del Peso, y Julia Sáez-Angulo, que
actuó como secretaria. Intervino con voz, pero sin voto, Mayte Spínola.
Felicidades a todos los compañeros premiados
I have had the honor of being one of those selected to receive a 2017 Diploma of Excellence from the hand of the Pro Arte y Cultura Group led by Mayte Spinola and founder of it. The event took place on January 11, 2018
As it is known, this Group was born with the intention of favoring the arts and in 2015 it received the award
Ibero-American of #Mecenazgo.
Group pro Art and Culture belong about three hundred artists from different countries, among others, painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, historians, #galerists or musicians.
The jury was composed by Nati Cañada, José Luis Romeral, Linda de Sousa, Pablo Reviriego, Rosa Gallego del Peso, and Julia Sáez-Angulo, who acted as secretary. He spoke with voice, but without vote, Mayte Spínola.
I have had the honor of being one of those selected to receive a 2017 Diploma of Excellence from the hand of the Pro Arte y Cultura Group led by Mayte Spinola and founder of it. The event took place on January 11, 2018
As it is known, this Group was born with the intention of favoring the arts and in 2015 it received the award
Ibero-American of #Mecenazgo.
Group pro Art and Culture belong about three hundred artists from different countries, among others, painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, historians, #galerists or musicians.
The jury was composed by Nati Cañada, José Luis Romeral, Linda de Sousa, Pablo Reviriego, Rosa Gallego del Peso, and Julia Sáez-Angulo, who acted as secretary. He spoke with voice, but without vote, Mayte Spínola.
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